QR Codes for Restaurants – Make Sure You Collect The Data

June 25


QR Codes for Restaurants – Make Sure You Collect The Data

The restaurant industry responded to COVID by putting QR codes on the square dotted on every menu page, flyer, and signage on the streets. These products are popular not merely because of the ease of access they offer but for the ease of use that opens up new opportunities.

QR Code Usage Takes Off

Coronavirus has forced restaurant owners to explore these new opportunities. One of which is producing outdoor dining spaces and safer environments for patrons. This includes using a disposable menu or “contact-less” menus, links to a PDF menu, or links on your website with the help of QR Codes.

Using QR codes for your restaurant is a learning curve for some, but technology has evolved, and now most smartphones come with a QR code scanner built into the phone camera. This now allows your patrons to come in and scan your restaurant menu without having to sort through different apps.

Best Ways to Display QR Codes For Restaurants

After you update your menu on your website by either loading a PDF menu, updating your web page, or generating the links for your online ordering, generating QR codes for your restaurant should be simple. The best ways in which your customers can easily see the QR code include the following:

  • Printed them on Table Tents
  • Physical Menus – In-house, Takeout, Disposable Menus
  • Digital Menus or Contactless Menu
  • Including them Printed Menus for Takeout
  • Direct Mailers
  • Posters on your Storefront
  • Gift Cards or Loyalty Cards

QR Code Menus and More

While the entire world quickly adapted to using QR code menus, we’ve seen multiple ways that QR codes were used to help generate more interest in a restaurant’s services.

First, and really effective, having a QR code that links to a catering and events web page on the in-house menu. This allows patrons to consider having their next event at the restaurant’s event space.

Second, linking to a Rewards portal is a way to use a QR code on your receipts, take-out menus, or POS signage.

And last, a QR code linking you to your preferred place to leave great reviews for your restaurant. This is important because great reviews help with consumer confidence and SEO rankings on Google and other business directories.

QR Code Scans for Data Collection

When they scan the QR code, the ideal strategy should include directing them to the menu page on your website. This should activate your data trackers and start collecting data you can use for advertising. As a restaurant owner, every time a user scans the QR code and lands on your web page, you want to instantly start tracking what web pages they visit, what content is being viewed, and they’re entire experience on your website.

The data you collect is not their name, email, and phone number but their social characteristics and digital data that can be matched with data trackers like Facebook Pixel, Snapchat Pixel, Google Analytics, and more. These data points include:

  • Age Range
  • Gender
  • Birthday time frame (Within 7 Days)
  • Social Interest
  • Content Likes – Viewed video content
  • Page Likes

The best part is that the data can be stored for up to 180 days. When a person re-engages with your social media account or website, they will stay in your advertising audiences for up to 365 days. 

QR Codes Positive Effect on Advertising for Your Restaurant

Once your QR code menu or any other destination on your website has been reached, you have this data and can advertise any of your other services. Here are a few things we recommend you advertise for:

  1. Mobile Ordering and Dining Specials
  2. Catering Options
  3. Table Reservations
  4. Event Space Rentals – if available

All of the above ads will also serve as excellent branding awareness. With the proper budget, you’ll be sure to reach every person multiple times per month with various advertisements and promotions.

We hope this information helps and inspires you to take action. If you need a team to help you get this executed, we’ve done this before. CLICK HERE to see a few case studies and reports of digital advertising campaigns from some of our clients. Or you can test the QR code in our video thumbnail above!

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