Splitting Up Never Sounded so Good, Our Love Affair with Split Testing!

August 12


If you are doing anything web base you are bound to hear the term split testing, but what is split testing? Split Testing [A/B Testing and Multivariate Testing are all the same] a way of improving websites, landing pages, adwords, email marketing campaigns or social media advertising by testing different variables that will allow you to optimization your online marketing.
Still confused? This is how it works! All you have to do is create different variations of a website, digital advertising or email campaign. The variations should have slight changes to either the wording or design – e.g., colors, fonts, images. Once each variation is completed and live, you will have to check the analytics to see which version is producing more conversions. What we love about landing pages and website split testing is they’re live the entire time and your visitors will not know your conducting any A/B Testing. The same goes for adwords split testing.
Our Quick Tips On…
Split Test Landing Pages
– Try changing up your call to action!
– Change the length of your forms. Maybe, shorter forms will produce a higher rate of conversions.
Website Split Testing
– Color does make a difference. Try using different colors on your website, it may keep people on your website longer.
– Play around with different images and layouts of the menu bar.
Adwords Split Testing
– Change up the copy. Instead of using industry jargon, try words everyone will understand.
– It might be a good idea to test similarly ranked keywords within your adcopy.
Don’t forget, you can also conduct split testing on Social Media Advertising and Email Marketing campaigns. Now that you know what is split testing, get to testing! We know you’ll love the results as much as we do.

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