Snapchat Filter 101 – Explained by a Snapchat Filter Designer

May 13


Being a millennial, it seems almost natural to constantly be login snapchat ready for that perfect photo op. With about 60 million total installs of the app, each year Snapchat steps up their game by adding more and more features.
April 2016’s update now allows you to design custom snapchat filters – this will let brands and users promote themselves in a new way on Snapchat. The best part is filters start at $5 for 8 hours – making this a new “decoration” option for any wedding, birthdays, barbecues, as well as corporate events. Snapchat filters are the perfect element to add to an event’s brand!

What is a Snapchat Filter?

After you take your photo, stay on the camera screen and swipe for filters!

In the filters, you will find:

  • 3 Color Filters
  • Temperature
  • Your Speed [Let everyone know you should have been casted for the Fast and the Furious!]
  • Location
  • And now – Branded filters! [Looking to get the word out about your business? Here’s that cool and innovative way!]

Where you at Hispanicize 2016? If you were, you would’ve noticed their branded event filter!
Why would you need a Snapchat Filter Designer:
Simply put, no one is going to use a crummy filter. Remember, your filter is in competition with all the others. As a brand, you will want people to remember your company or event because it stood out from the rest that’s why you need a Snapchat Filter Designer!

Here are samples of Kevin (our Snapchat Filter Designer) best snapchat filters:

Snapchat filter designer nj    Snapchat filter designer
Needless to say, now is the time for your brand to shine with snapchat filters!

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