Pleased to Announce…

December 17


Kicking off 2013, we were determined to set the bar for our clients as well as ourselves; this year we did just that! We are proud to announce our third award this year, the Silver Davey Award for Latino(a)s in Tech Innovation & Social Media  #LATISM13 Conference Brand.

Davey Awards derives from the story of David defeating Goliath with a big idea and a little rock. (Fun Fact: That’s what inspired the shape of the award.) Awards are given to highlight the notion that smaller firms with tremendous ideas can exceed budgetary expectations.

LATISM embedded itself in all of our hearts; we’ve worked on LATISM conferences in the past and the principles’ of Pix-l Graphx held seats on the LATISM NYC Chapter Board of Directors.  Honored is an understatement to explain how we felt when we got news, we received the Davey award for one of our favorite branding projects!

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