Here’s what to include in a brochure

September 4


We are in the 21st century and everyone is on their phones. We don’t like reading anymore and most content is transitioning to images and video. So why do you need a company brochure?
Here’s why:
Everyone’s attention span is diminishing and they don’t want to feel like they’re trapped in a conversation.  They want to take the information and dissect it themselves when they have time. You also have to understand, in the digital age, they are taking everything you tell them, and give them, and verifying it online.
Even if you are a smooth-talking sales expert, at some point, the possible client just you had an amazing conversation with started thinking about their next meeting during the most important part of your pitch. For times like that, you will need to have company brochure or catalog to reinforce your pitch. If you really want to get down to the nitty-gritty, incorporating a tangible piece at the end of your pitch will make it more memorable.
What to include in a brochure:
If this is your first company brochure, or if you want to update your current one, below are several key points that should be included in your brochure.

  1. Determine the purpose of the brochure.
  2. Use headlines that provoke interest about your company.
  3. Easy-to-read content. Use bullet points when you can.
  4. No stock photography. This is a time that people actually want to see you, your staff or your location
  5. Make sure the brochure shows and explains what the client will miss out on if they decide to work with another company.
  6. Do not just copy and paste the information from your website. Customize it specifically for the brochure.
  7. A strong call-to-action.
  8. Social media accounts and direct account names.
  9. Have a way of tracking the interest gained from the brochure. Use custom phone numbers, email address, and shorten website addresses.

We promise, having brochure samples to hand out to clients will increase your credibility. Now that you have our business brochure tips and know what to include in a brochure, get to drafting your company’s brochure. If you can’t decide, give us a call or shot us an email and we can help you get started.

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