Fundraiser for Baby Juniel

May 20


We’d all like to think of ourselves as kind and generous people. But let’s face it, when we hear about someone’s misfortune we feel bad for a second and go on with our day. That wasn’t the case for us, when we heard about Baby Juniel.

While having a meeting with Eros Cafe, one of our first clients in Rutherford, they told us of their plans to hold a fundraiser for an employee’s 5 month old son that might lose his vision. After hearing the heart breaking story of how doctors found cancerous tumors behind both of baby Juniel eyes, we knew we had to get involved.

Dimitri Valavanis had already set up a fundraiser at Eros Cafe and got a ton of local stores involved. We wanted to design the fundraiser in a way that was eye catching and would allow people to take a look at themselves

After designing and writing the content for the initial flyer, which was posted in local restaurants, we designed and printed handouts to be distributed to people in the town.

Since in person donations would be covered at the fundraiser, we wanted raise money online. So, we set up a Crowdraise page for Baby Juniel and then sent a email blast to our clients. Currently on , people have generously donated $1,290.

Tonight come out and join the Pix-l Team at Baby Juniel’s Fundraiser, information is below:

Baby Juniel
We hope to see you there!!

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