These 5 Restaurants Ads Really Killed It!

June 25


These Five Facebook Ads for Restaurants Ads Killed It!

If you’re in the restaurant industry and looking to increase your reach and drive more sales or reservations, consider investing in Facebook or Instagram ads. We’ve seen tremendous success with our restaurant clients in generating awareness and increasing sales through these platforms.

Here are five high-performing restaurant ads that show the effectiveness and efficiency of advertising your restaurant on Facebook and Instagram.

Five Benefits of Using Facebook Advertising for Restaurants

You might have thought about running a social media ad campaign when you started your restaurant business. You probably wondered whether or not it is worthwhile. The short answer, it is.

There are many benefits to running Facebook ads for restaurants.

Target current customers

The Facebook Pixel allows you to track the entire user experience once a person visits your website to order online, look at your happy hour options, or inquire about a catering order.

All of this detailed targeting data can be used to retarget – run ads to existing visitors of your website – each of these visitors with seasonal promotions, new dishes, and weekly specials.

Restaurants can even target customers who have submitted their emails by simply uploading a list of emails to Facebook directly into Facebook’s ad manager platform. Facebook matches this list of users with account holders on Facebook and Instagram.

Target people visiting your area

Facebook interest data and geo-targeting can reach any target market in the world. This would be ideal for a restaurant in an urban location, tourist area, or near the workplace.

Using mobile location information, you can display your Instagram and Facebook ads on a mobile phone of a user living in your local area or passing through that match your specific audience interests.

Lookalike Audiences: Unleash New Sales With Your Customer List

All of the data you already have and will collect in your advertising efforts will allow you to begin using lookalike audiences. This gem of a tool allows you to take your data, whether it be website visitors, an email list, or video content views, and feed it into Facebook Ads Manager. It will then take all the data and find new Instagram and Facebook users with similar characteristics and interests to those already in your data set.

Simple Content Can Perform Very Well

Content doesn’t always have to be complex. Simple content can perform very well, especially if it is attention-grabbing and provides quick information about the restaurant or promotion.

For example, you could post a simple infographic showing what drinks your restaurant offers during happy hour and when it is available.

Two Facebook ad types that consistently perform well are carousel ads with photos of delicious food or video ads of your dishes being made. These ad formats should link directly back to your online ordering portal or menu page on your website with a call to action like ‘Order Now.”

You Can Start Facebook Marketing Yourself

At the end of the day, you don’t need a fancy agency or tons of marketing know-how to get started. Facebook has made the process incredibly simple and accessible for any business, from small mom-and-pop shops to large franchise chains.

This can be done directly in the Facebook or Instagram App by taking existing Facebook Posts and boosting the ads to a local audience. This is an easy way to start, but hiring a fancy agency like ours will give you a competitive advantage over the dozens of local restaurants still waiting to advertise online.

Still, have questions about Facebook ads for restaurants? We’re here to help. Contact us today, and let’s start a Facebook campaign to help grow your brand and get more customers in the door!

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