Whether you have Spanish-speaking clientele in your city or international applicants applying for your jobs, a Spanish-language targeted SEO can benefit your business.
For example, we took one of our clients, Caliber Health Plus, and grew them from zero (0) to 171 Spanish keywords in the #1 position for people interested in jobs as a Home Health Aide in 6 months. This entire campaign used Spanish SEO strategies for high-quality search results.
We shifted the existing SEO campaign to a Spanish SEO version with the same intent: drive traffic online for Spanish speakers looking for job training and jobs as Home Health Aides.
Develop a Spanish Language Website
The first step in executing this strategy was developing a Spanish-language version of the current website with specific landing pages. Again, we used our client’s preexisting English-language website as a base and cloned it, thus creating the new pages in Spanish with Spanish keywords.
This allows the user to visit the site in either Spanish or English, depending on their preference. This also helps with localization by allowing Google Analytics to automatically identify only those searching using Google.es or Spanish-based browser extensions and whose setting has Spanish as the official language.
By hiring an agency like ours with Spanish speakers on staff and experts in Spanish search engine optimization to grow your visibility in the search engines, you can significantly improve your chances of converting Hispanic customers into active clients.
Get a Copywriter, Don’t use Google Translate.
Can You Trust Google Translate? We hope not.
Google translations are not done like what you often see with SEO. Spanish SEO is doing research and understanding how your client reads their content. Writing content for Spanish SEO means that you understand the client’s search terms, know what they are looking for, and then write content FOR YOUR CLIENT (not Google or anyone else).
Hiring a copywriter to correctly translate this content will cost a good amount of money, but it’s well worth it. Especially considering this is one of the most critical aspects of your SEO campaign. The Spanish language consists of many variations, including slang and colloquialisms. This makes it very difficult to translate SEO content without having a native speaker do the work.

Here are seven reasons why Spanish-targeted SEO is good for your businesses
1. Provides convenience to your customers.
As mentioned before, many people use Google as their primary resource when looking for services online. Therefore, by having a solid web presence, you can ensure that your clients will find you when they search for their services.
This is taken even a step further when considering that 7.9% of the total search volume on Google is Spanish.
2. Your business name is seen in more places.
When you do not require specific language or keywords, the text that accompanies your website will also be visible to non-Spanish speakers. This means that there is a better chance your company name will be seen in searches to which you might not have access otherwise.
3. Speeds up the process of finding a service provider.
By being found in multiple languages on Google, it saves time for people who are looking for help. They no longer have to go through multiple results before they find what they are looking for or more importantly, a provider who they feel most comfortable working with.
4. Increases your visibility in local searches.
Because you are being viewed worldwide, it dramatically increases the chance that potential customers will see your website when searching for services in their area. This increased visibility also makes it much more likely to show up on the first page of Google when people do search engine optimization for your local area.
5. SEO can help you expand your presence.
As mentioned before, SEO is not limited to only the native language of the website. SEO efforts will include keywords in English and Spanish, thus increasing your visibility on these websites and online searches for potential customers.
By using SEO experts who speak Spanish to help you grow your website, you leverage the same SEO tactics that other companies use in English. This means that no matter what language your client prefers to search in, they still see results from you.
Your SEO strategy, which targets Spanish-speaking consumers, will continue to grow your website’s overall presence online and in search engines.
6. Finds individuals actively looking for a service instead of people who may be casually browsing the internet.
By getting your business in front of people who are explicitly searching for services, rather than just reading articles online, Spanish SEO will help you find more potential customers in specific niches within the Hispanic market.
Opening that target to the Spanish-speaking market, Spanish speakers will be able to see your company in their language and determine whether or not they are a fit for your business without the fear that their language is a barrier.
7. It will not cause any issues with your rankings.
With this client, because the website’s content will remain in English, there should be no reason why it would affect your ranking in English-based searches. This means that your efforts to target non-English speakers will have no impact on your visibility in international or local searches.
We executed four months of SEO in English with our current client example before switching to a Spanish SEO campaign. This new direction is helped by the first four months of work. All that is happening with the Spanish SEO campaign is that Google is receiving more content from your website that already has a good standing and increased rankings.
Contact us to learn more.