Shopaholics Rejoice F-Commerce is Back!

July 18


Hi, I’m Ashley and I’m a shopaholic. With that being said, my opinion of F-Commerce will be bias.
What is F-Commerce? Facebook + E-Commerce = F-Commerce
Three reasons reasons, I believe F-Commerce will work [this time]:
    1. Facebook is the second most visited website in the world.
Facebook Company Pages allow you to show your small business’ character to people halfway across the world that otherwise would of never knew you existed!
    2. Companies use Facebook for Customer Service. This will add one more element to Customer Services.
Convenience plays a major decision in purchasing. Being able to see a product, see company reviews andddd see how the company addresses issues about products all in the same place is pretty convenient!
    3. Facebook Ads are amazing at targeting!
If you are selling paper airplanes in Antarctica, Facebook will allow you to identify an audience that you would potentially want to buy your product.
 So the first time, Facebook released a shopping option it didn’t work as planned. In the past 3 years, Facebook has changed dramatically. Recently, Facebook has done an amazing job of getting more and more companies to sign up and advertise with them. The first time Facebook allowed for shopping the idea was still premature. Facebook’s tremendous growth with companies will allow for F-Commerce to be successful this time around.
If it doesn’t work out, then I will blame my bad judgement on being a shopaholic! However, I know the shopaholics around the world will anxiously await the full release of F-Commerce.

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