Is Your Website Ready for 2021 and Beyond?

January 3


Right now, you’re either gearing up to start advertising online or already are. Either way, you need to be 100% sure your website is ready to convert. 

We gathered our web team and created a quick checklist for you to run through. This list of 10 essential things to check for will help you get your website on track and ensure it is ready to track data, capture emails, and convert in 2021 and beyond. 

10 Elements to have a Great Website

1. Ensure that its Mobile Responsive

Google ranks your website higher if it is mobile-friendly. So an email blast or a link from an ad on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube mobile will open the mobile version of your website. Make sure the experience is top-notch. Also, about 50% of online users are searching on their phones.

Run your site through this test for a quick check. 

2. Have Superfast Website Speed

This helps with Google ranking and conversion. Users will leave a website if it is slow to load, and it’s proven the faster your site loads, the higher conversion rates go. Many users leave websites after 3 seconds of loading time.

Test your website here:

3. A Good Web Hosting Service

Understand your hosting needs. A site that will receive hundreds of thousands of hits a month has different requirements than a website with low traffic. For a lower traffic website, you can host it on a shared hosting account. A high traffic site requires a Virtual Private Server that needs to be optimized for performance.

Partner with a hosting company that will guide you through your hosting needs and implements the web infrastructure to help your site grow and perform at a high rate. At Pix-l Graphx, we host our websites with Archipielago, LLC.

4. Connect an Email newsletter system or CRM

These are good for an email drip campaign and building a database of potential clients. Use your email list to retarget potential customers online.

5. Set up an SSL

Having an SSL, Secure Sockets Layer, for security on your site is a clear indicator to a user that your website is trustworthy. They can give you their payment information with confidence. Also, your site will be deranked by Google without SSL security. 

6. No automatic Pop-ups on mobile

Google finds them intrusive to the user experience and lowers the organic ranking of your website. Users must voluntarily click a button to display a pop-up form.

7. Good Content and Copy

Customers need to understand your product or service, and you need to make a connection with the potential customer. The content and copy have to be compelling and targeted towards your audience. Have real photography or videos of the product. 

8. Set up tracking codes

Google Analytics, Google Conversion tag, Facebook Pixel, LinkedIn tag, Pinterest tag, and Snapchat Pixel are data tracking codes that provide tons of value. From targeted advertising audiences to consumer research, this information should be evaluated weekly. The type of tag or pixel you need depends on your marketing strategy and business goals.

9. Two-Click Buy Buttons

For your product or service, it should be easy to initiate checkout and buy. The fewer clicks it takes to buy a product or service, the higher the conversion rate. 

10. Provide Feedback from Other Customers

Blogs, Reviews, FAQs, and Testimonials answer all questions a potential customer may have about your product or service. And nothing helps a consumer’s buying decision more than seeing a previously satisfied customer talk about your product or service. 

For a full evaluation of your current website and how you can improve it contact us today

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