Google has added a new feature to Gmail – the “Block User” option! At first, we were a little confused because we knew GChat had a block option, but this was never the case for emails.
The change may seem like a meaningless one for most people. Yet for others, it’s pretty dramatic and already has people weeping tears of joy and sorrow!
Lets get down to the nitty-gritty, why would we ever have to use the “block user” button?
1. Cyber bullying has become a serious issue. Now teens, and adults alike, do not have to worry about being bombarded with horrible emails.
2. Say bye bye Spammers, for good!
Freeing your inbox of junk mail is everyones dream and sounds wonderful, right? Yes and no, for the average person this is great. For email marketers, this is a nightmare. The block user button now adds one more challenge to getting their emails read. I can tell you from experience email marketers spend a lot of time and effort goes into creating the perfect email and having your email looked over is a blow! Now, the possibility of having it blocked is even worst!
Once you block an email, future emails from that sender will be sent directly to the user spam box. This is not Ideal for email marketing, if enough people spam your emails you run the chance of having the email provider spam all of the emails you send. Needless to say, that will crush your email marketing efforts.
All hope for email marketing is not lost, Gmail said they are working on adding an unsubscribe button. Hopefully, the button comes sooner rather than later!
Gmail added a new option – "Block User"!
October 1