Cleaning up your Website? 5 quick Website Maintenance Tips.


April 24


MOST PEOPLE SPEND LESS THAN 55 SECONDS ON A WEBSITE. Keeping your website current is key for capturing and keeping the user’s attention!

Five quick fixes to keeping people on your website!

1. Keep your website content fresh!

Nothing is worse than old product from the 1990s or summer hours in December. Up-to-date content will keep new and repeat visitors longer on your website.

Not to mention, the content updates will help with your SEO and search engine rankings! Google needs new content, and when you provide their search bots consistently with new information, and it’s properly tagged and optimized, you inch closer to the coming up on the first page of Google.

2. Broken Links

Correction, one thing is worse than an out-of-date website, and that’s a broken link. Remember, you only have 55 seconds to convince someone to work with you or buy your product. If within the first 10 seconds a visitor is sent to a broken page, it is unlikely they will go back to your homepage and then ‘bounce’ away from your website. This step in your website maintenance should be reviewed periodically.

3. Do your links make sense? Navigation is key!

When a visitor goes to your service page are they seeing the correct information? Can a potential customer easily find your contact information? Make sure your site is easy to navigate and understand.

If you have an important CTA (call to action), it’s essential to make that button visible in multiple locations. For example, placing the CTA in the top right, middle of the page after the first banner, and again before the end of the page will ensure that the person visiting your website knows exactly where to “Sign Up” or “Buy Now.”

4. Visuals are everything.

Add a Video! Videos will keep visitors on a website three times longer. 84% of people say that they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video. wyzowl

Also, be on brand and get a photographer to take photos of your studio, office, or products. Give users an authentic experience of who you are what you have to offer.

5. Website load time.

We want things now! No one is going to stay on a site that takes more than 5 seconds to load. On the other hand, 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less.

Let us update your website while you take care of business!

If you are looking for a brand spanking new website, our award-winning team is more than happy to consult with you and build you a custom website tailored to your business goals. Click here to connect with us.

Also, here is a link where you can see our most recent work.

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